A PHP chat room and private chat script that increases user interaction on websites is called Grupo Chat. It supports the majority of contemporary web servers, all versions of PHP and MySQL, and integrated systems (SSO). By extracting the files from a zip file, uploading the “chatscript” folder to the server, and starting the installation script in your browser, you can install Grupo chat on a server. Free installation services are offered, and charging clients requires an extended license. Using the provided plugin, Grupo can be integrated into a WordPress website so that users can access Grupo from within the website. All you need to buy is the script itself, which comes with free lifetime updates, six months of support, and the source code. The support team is ready to help and respond to any inquiries.
With a plethora of features to enhance your chat experience, Grupo Chat is a comprehensive chat solution. It offers multiple language support, configurable site and group responsibilities, cloud storage, video chatting, private messaging, push alerts, and limitless room creation. In addition, Grupo Chat has an integrated music player, an email validator, a link filter, badge creation, an email moderation tool, and site adverts.
You can host your own chatroom with the self-hosted Groupo Chat script, which has an easy integration with WordPress and a simplified setup. Users of the script can converse directly or privately and can organize themselves into different types of groups within sections or rooms. Users of Grupo Chat Script can also assign unique badges to individuals or groups, and they can have private or direct messaging conversations.
Grupo’s API offers convenient online integration (SSO), which enables users to access Grupo without requiring additional authentication by logging in with their current website. Agora, LiveKit, and Twilio video calls are also supported by Grupo Chat. In addition to managing features and permissions on the website, users can limit the features available to group members and renew their license for paid memberships.
In addition, Grupo Chat provides friend invites, user reactions on Facebook, two modes (dark and light), and the People Nearby Feature. Aside from supporting many languages, it also automatically eliminates pictures that include gore, graphic violence, alcohol, drugs, weapons, and explicit or partial nudity.
Grupo Chat is a progressive web application that combines popular browser functionality with the best aspects of mobile. Message scheduling, one-time password mobile number verification, advertising spaces, stickers, IP intelligence, music player, social media login, previewing files, audio messages, automobile organization, guest login, transmitting tenor GIFs, data archiving, and flood prevention are just a few of the features it provides.
With Grupo Chat, users can control stickers, check mobile numbers using One-Time Passwords, and set automatic send times for messages. Additionally, real-time translation is possible and multiple languages are supported. In addition to sending audio messages to as many chat rooms as possible simultaneously, Grupo enables users to preview media files right in their browser.
Additionally, users of the app can send tenor GIFs to private conversations, join groups, and access chat rooms without creating an account. Users can upload files to the data archive and share them from their directory. Additionally, group chat helps avoid flooding that occurs when one chatter sends an excessive amount of messages at once.
A strong tool for organizing and managing online groups is Grupo. In addition to safeguards against user-uploaded PHP programs and the indexing and theft of user files by Google and other search engines, it offers features like Flood Control, Defamation Protection, Intercept Internet Protocol Addresses, User Profile, Company Details, Avatars Group, Individual Citations, Uploading Files in Bulk, Export Chat, Gating Call, and Directly Playing Videos from YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo.
Additionally supported by Grupo are Gravatars, a popular user and website avatar. Users have the ability to disable user profiles, alter individual or group fields, and carry out lengthy surveys. The system avoids resource-intensive backend operations by utilizing a data cache architecture.
The Grupo admin section’s menu item management and addition interface is user-friendly. Users can alter Grupo’s appearance, including the background, text color, and font size, with the Personalization Tool. Invoices can be viewed, and users can add code to the paragraphs in the header and footer.
In addition, Grupo facilitates disputes and spam reporting, enabling users to report offensive or spammy posts or groups. Users can designate a distinct color for each site role, temporarily deactivate a profile, and limit the number of times they can attempt to log in from a given IP address. Additionally, for an improved user experience, the tool provides full-width or divided designs.
A robust online platform, Grupo Chat provides a plethora of features like full-width and boxed layouts, work opportunities, drag-and-drop file uploading, custom backdrops, guest group chat access, and much more. Users can also enable picture transmission, limit the sharing of URLs, and share only unique links. In addition, users can limit record load, receive notifications, and hide languages.
Through the use of technologies like cache, CSS, JavaScript, and more, the Booster Group improves Grupo’s performance. Users have the ability to alter their profile cover, use email authentication, and automatically flip images. Additionally, they can select from a variety of alert noises, message notifications in the title bar, automatic time zone detection, multiple login sessions, and security questions.
Grupo also offers over ten pre-installed typefaces and tracking codes for Google Analytics. In accordance with EU GDPR/Cookie Law regulations, users can personalize their welcome screen, disconnect from the internet, and request consent for cookies. Managers have a choice of time formats: 12 or 24 hours.
Grupo Chat eliminates the need for plugins like Flash or Java by offering an infinite number of chat rooms, each with its own set of features, through its PHP-based chatroom script. Users can customize the features and settings of their Grupo chat rooms to give their users a flawless online experience.
In conclusion, Grupo Chat is a flexible platform that provides both users and businesses with a wealth of features and advantages. Grupo Chat, with its integrated security features and responsive design, is a useful tool for companies trying to improve communication and teamwork.
Grupo Chat Nulled Script
PHP Script for Grupo Chat: Chat Room & Private Chat
What you need is a feature-rich PHP chat room and private chat script called Group Chat. User engagement is critical to maintaining user retention. Maintaining visitors’ attention and commitment to your website is mostly dependent on user involvement. Group chat rooms are an excellent method of raising website traffic.
Combined Systems (SSO)
With single sign-on features, users may access Grupo from your website, doing away with the need for separate authentication.
WordPress, WoWonder, and Sngine API Requests
Sessions for Questions and Answers
Is it possible to use Grupo Chat with shared hosting offered by Bluehost and GoDaddy?
Shared hosting and Grupo Chat work flawlessly together. Program compatibility spans all versions of PHP and MySQL as well as the majority of contemporary web servers, including virtual private, dedicated, shared, cloud, and shared servers.
How can I locate the Grupo Chat Script on my server when I go there?
It’s quite simple to set up Grupo. To complete the installation script, simply extract all the contents from the zip file you downloaded from CodeCanyon, place the entire “chatscript” folder wherever on the server, and open your browser.
Do you offer installation services for Grupo?
We don’t charge anything for our Grupo installation services. Once you have purchased Grupo, email [email protected] to speak with our support staff, who will be happy to guide you through the installation process.
Does the membership system need to be activated with an extended license?
An additional license will be necessary for you to charge customers for using your finished product. That implies if you want to charge your clients, you need an extended license.
Could I link it to my WordPress website?
With the bundled Grupo plugin, integrating Grupo with your WordPress website is a breeze. The built-in single sign-on feature of WordPress allows users to access Grupo from inside the platform, removing the need for additional login processes.
Can I add the Grupo Chat script to my existing website so that visitors won’t need to register or log in again? This would enhance the user experience tremendously.
You can quickly add Single Sign-On (SSO) to your existing website with Grupo Chat’s script, increasing its usability even further. Please refer to the API Request Reference Guide for more information about using the Grupo API for SSO queries.
Do I have to worry about recurring payments, or is this a one-time payment?
Undoubtedly, just one purchase is needed for the Grupo Chat PHP script. This bundle includes the entire source code, six months of support, and free lifetime updates.
Where can I get in touch with the Grupo Chat support team?
We are available to assist in any way that we can. We value your feedback and are available to you with any queries.
Grupo Chat offers an extensive range of features to enhance your chat experience. You may take complete control of your chat community with features like infinite room creation, private messaging, video chatting, cloud storage, push alerts, multilingual support, and customizable site and group roles. The atmosphere is also made enjoyable and safe with features like an integrated music player, an email validator, an image moderation tool, API queries, badge creation, a link filter, and site adverts. Utilize features like smartphone friendliness, an easy method to integrate WordPress, push alerts, and a profanity filter to keep discussions civil. With a landing page feature and a responsive website, Grupo Chat is a comprehensive chat solution. Many more things still to be discovered.
Your own chatroom can be hosted with the Self-Hosted Groupo Chat software. The main advantage of self-hosting is that you have complete control over the data on your website. You are in total control of your website when you are the one hosting it.
setup made simpler
Our PHP chat script comes with a user-friendly installation pre-installed. The Easy Installer will handle everything after you’ve input your purchase code and database details.
The WordPress Integration
Are you attempting to find a way to link Grupo to your WordPress website? Not an issue! All of your needs will be met by our WordPress plugin. Connect your website to Grupo via a magic wand.
split it into rooms or sections
As many groups or chat rooms as you want can be created.
Groups come in a variety of forms, including password-protected, secret/hidden, unleavable, restricted, and roles with limited access.
Private chat or direct message
rupo Chat Script allows for one-on-one chat, which your users will love. Interaction among customers boosts their involvement with the product.
Badges for Groups and Users
It is feasible to manually issue unique badges to individuals or organizations. Build as many badges as you would like. The group’s profile might contain this information. Using badges on a website is a terrific method to boost engagement.
Easy internet integration (SSO)
clients don’t need to deal with the hassle of separate authentication when they can simply enable single sign-on with Grupo’s API. This allows clients to access Grupo using their current website.
Talk on a video call.
Take advantage of Agora, LiveKit, and Twilio to improve group and individual video conversations. Whether you’re looking to create a virtual event, interact with clients, or boost team collaboration, our script can help.
Getting a Paid Membership Requires Extending Your License
Making money with your chat app is simple. If you want to make money from your chat website, add paid memberships. Paid memberships allow you to customize your chat room and add more features.
Cloud-based storage
Saying goodbye to the limitations of traditional hosting servers and hello to the web hosting of the future is finally possible with our cloud storage function. It is now possible to save and retrieve your website files directly from Amazon S3 or storage providers that work with Amazon S3.
If you find any URLs that you think are unsafe or undesirable, use the link filter to stop people from sharing them. Stop posting inappropriate content, dangerous links, and spam, and make sure your online community is a secure and friendly place.
Positions on the website
With the use of the Site Roles Module, you can control the features and permissions that users have on your website. Simply check the relevant boxes and press the “Update” button to add or remove capabilities from a position. You can even design custom site roles.
roles that the organization plays
With the Group Roles Module, you can manage which group members have access to certain functionalities. To add or remove capabilities from the selected group role, all you need to do is click the “Update” button after making your decisions. You can even design unique group responsibilities.
Two modalities, light and dark
Grupo’s color scheme can be switched from white to black or the other way around with the Mode Switcher. Deeper tones require less power and are gentler on the eyes in low light than brighter tones.
Facebook responses
This is one way that user communications could be answered. Allowing users to respond to messages sent by other users will make it easier for them to interact with your website.
Friendship Functionality
By using the friends extension to allow users to send and receive friend requests, you may increase user engagement on your website.
Users can locate other users within a given radius of their current place on your website by using the People Nearby Feature.
Online imposters
It allows the number of users on your Grupo site to appear inflated. This option allows you to select users on the website that you want to show as online.
Email Confirmation Tools
When sending emails, you ought to be able to select which websites to allow or restrict. helps get rid of fake, throwaway email addresses.
Multiple Language Support for a Language Manager
Without requiring any additional plugins, Grupo makes it easy to create a website that supports multiple languages. Make the process of translating multiple languages for your website easier.
Images that feature explicit or partial nudity, gore, graphic violence, alcohol, drugs, offensive signs, or weapons will be immediately removed by image moderation.
Push Notifications
Regardless of whether they have an active data connection or not, consumers can receive warnings via web push notifications. These alert-style notifications slide, depending on the operating system, into the upper or lower right corner of the screen on desktop computers. They resemble app push alerts quite a little on mobile devices.
Web push is used to send notifications.
When an offline private communication is sent between two individuals
When a person mentions another in a group chat,
While replying to a message in a group chat sent by another user
Progressive Features in a Web Application
Installable and accessible from any device, progressive web apps are web-based, app-like experiences. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are simply webpages that use contemporary design ideas to simulate the appearance and feel of native mobile apps or more traditional apps. These apps seek to combine the best features of mobile with the functionalities of the most widely used browsers available today.
The Message Scheduler lets you schedule a message to be sent at a specific time and date in the future. With the help of this tool, you can select a date and time for your message to be sent automatically.
Using One-Time Passwords to Verify Mobile Numbers
A secure way to verify the authenticity of a user’s mobile number is through One-Time Password (OTP) Mobile Number Verification. This tactic may help lower the number of false accounts created and other types of fraud.
Ad-Blocking Software
Adblock detectors can be used to determine whether someone is using an ad-blocking browser extension or software. Its goal is to locate websites on which users are blocking ads, at which point it will either request that they disable their ad blocker or add the page to their allowlist.
Intellectual Asset
An IP address’s propensity to be a proxy, VPN, or malicious IP address is determined using advanced mathematical and computational techniques by an IP intelligence service.
Places for Advertising
You can display HTML content or advertisements in Grupo’s ad spots.
By sending different stickers during a conversation, users can imitate other instant messaging systems’ experience with this feature. Stickers may be added and managed in Grupo Panel.
Utilize social media to log in.
A single sign-on is provided by social login for end users. Instead of creating an account, members of Grupo Chat can just log in with their existing login information from a social network such as Facebook, Twitter, or Google. This will simplify the login and registration processes for users. About 40 providers are connected to Grupo Chat.
Sound System
With this functionality, your users will be able to begin listening to the radio or playlists that you have uploaded. The radio stations’ stream URLs are all that is needed to add them.
Multiple Language Support for a Language Manager
Without requiring any additional plugins, Grupo makes it easy to create a website that supports multiple languages. Make the process of translating multiple languages for your website easier.
Permit translation to happen in real time.
Grupo supports RTL languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, etc.), and translated versions of your website will maintain the same layout and HTML structure as the original.
Examining Documents
You don’t have to bother downloading and launching extra programs because you can preview media files right in your browser!
Getting the URL is the first step in making a link preview. Subsequently, the page’s meta tags undergo parsing to extract the image, title, and description tags—all of which are utilized for thumbnails.
Talking Texts
If we are too tired to compose our texts, we can record them and transmit them as audio messages. You can record and send audio messages to as many chat groups as you’d like simultaneously with Grupo.
Join the Automobile Organization Today!
You can use this functionality if you have Grupo configured to automatically add new members to a certain group or groups.
Clicking the “pin” button will allow you to keep a certain group at the top of the group list even after you create more groups.
Non-members of the site can utilize the Guest Login function to enter the chat rooms without having to create an account.
Send GIFs with Tenor
Add the most well-liked animated GIFs to your conversations, whether they are private or group ones.
Information Bank
permits file uploading from users of the Grupo website. Once logged in, every user can distribute, remove, and download their own stuff from their own directory.
Preventing Floods
Whether in a private message or group chat, flooding occurs when a single chatter sends out an excessive amount of messages all at once. Grupo’s Flood Control feature automatically ignores attempts to spam by someone attempting to overflow the chat.
Protection Against Defamation
Often known as swear or profanity filters, these subsystems alter text to remove terms that the administrator thinks unacceptable.
Become a member of the organization.
allows administrators to quickly access the frontend as a selected user, making it simple for them to review data. By logging in as an external user with a single click, the administrator may manage any scenario swiftly and effortlessly.
Capture IP Addresses via Interception
It could be useful to stop annoying users or spammers from viewing the material on your website. It is possible to block harmful users based on IP addresses or IP address groups. You have the ability to block ranges of IP addresses in addition to individual addresses.
User Profile: This component allows you to display user data and create user profiles with custom fields.
Details about the Company
The group’s information and any custom fields are visible to you in the Group Info Screen.
There are at least fifty pre-installed avatars in the Avatars Group. It is up to each user to select their own avatar.
Specific citations
User mentions allow you to include other users in your interactions and ensure that they are aware of your mentions. The same way that mentions work on Twitter is to use a “@” sign followed by someone’s username.
Bulk File Uploading
Give your users access to multiple files at once.
Talks about Export
By using the Export Chat feature, users can quickly export a particular conversation.
Organizing Call
A group invitation can be sent by anyone with an email address or username.
Play videos straight from Vimeo, Dailymotion, and YouTube.
Movies from Vimeo, Dailymotion, and YouTube should be playable in the chat window.
Groupo protects against unauthorized users and search engines like Google from indexing and stealing user files, as well as from the execution of PHP programs uploaded by users.
Bar Display Keyboard
Every time someone composes a message for you, you will notice the typing indicator. The time that someone is responding to a chat will be visible to your users.
Prevent the registration of new users.
Without requiring any modifications to the source code, Grupo facilitates the easy deactivation of user registrations.
Choose emojis
Users have the ability to include emoticons in their messages. Include more than 2,000 emoticons.
Avatars, also known as gravatars, are widely known across the globe due to the fact that millions of people and websites use them. Most popular apps, including WordPress, already support Gravatar. Grupo is a Gravatar aggregator; it pulls users’ GRAVATARs from their Gravatar profiles.
Custom Fields for Groups and Profiles
Fields can be customized for individuals or groups.
Short text, a drop-down menu, a number field, and a date field
Turn off user profiles
gives administrators the ability to remove users from the website or chat room by deactivating their accounts.
Comprehensive Surveys
In contrast to regular polling, which polls each client repeatedly until new data becomes available, long polling involves the server keeping a client connection open for a longer period of time and responding only when data becomes available or the timeout threshold is reached. The client promptly submits a new request as soon as they hear back.
Architecture for Data Cache
The cache system creates static files that are stored on server disks. The resource-intensive backend operations can be avoided by the web server by sending the static file.
Usage Device Traces
Upon login, an intuitive module called User Device Log stores each user’s IP address and device information in a database table.
Comments Mentioned
When you respond to a message from earlier in the day without providing any context, it is less clear what you are talking about than when you jump into a discussion. This will be very helpful in a group setting, as you can already see.
Condense the passage (Learn More).
limits how many characters can be included in a message snippet. The default character count is 300. This filter allows you to change the default excerpt length.
Adaptive Website Design
Grupo may be viewed correctly on a variety of screens and devices thanks to the use of responsive web design, or RWD.
Tailor the menu
It’s easy to add and manage menu items with Grupo admin section’s user-friendly layout.
Tool for Personalization
Changing Grupo’s look (background, text color, and font size) is simple with the Grupo Customizer.
Review the bills.
The read receipt can be used by the sender to determine whether the recipient has received and read their message.
Section Headings
Code such as Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, and custom CSS may now be added to the header and footer of the Grupo website. There won’t be any necessary file changes required.
Dispute resolution and spam reporting
If they come across a post or group that they believe to be abusive or spammy, a user has the option to report it.
Turning Off a Profile
Users can choose when to reactivate their accounts by temporarily deactivating them.
Less Attempts to Sign in
When logging in, specify the maximum number of times you want to try each IP address. In this manner, brute-force attacks will not be able to reach your website.
By using Role Color, you can give each site role a distinct color.
Segmented or Entire-Width Style
Boxed and full-width layouts are the two options that Grupo provides. You can quickly switch between each of these layouts because of Grupo Customizer.
Maximum Character Count
The length of a user’s text messages is determined by the administrator.
Employment prospects at Grupo Cron
Among the main features of Grupo are its automatic message and user removal capabilities. Another feature is Grupo Cron Jobs, which allows you to create time-based tasks inside of Grupo.
Drag and drop allows for simple file uploading.
providing users with an additional file input method, allowing them to upload files via drag and drop.
Your users can select an image to use as the background of their page using the custom backdrop feature. A new photo can be uploaded and set as the background right away.
Permit visitors to join the group chat.
When users send emails to people who aren’t members of the group, the group may grow.
Forbid sharing URLs.
It’s possible that users can’t share URLs.
Make contact through group links.
Users can invite others to join their groups by sending out a special link.
Image Transfer
It is easy for users to share screenshots with one another. Your computer will capture a picture of your entire screen when you click the Print Screen button, saving it to the clipboard. The copy and paste feature (CTRL+V) can then be used to add your screenshots to a chat.
Preserve language
It is possible for administrators to hide any language. Select the words you wish to hide by clicking on them.
Cautionary tales or prompts
The system may send the user an alert informing them of a status change or other event.
note the load limit
When loading a message or list, administrators can select the most entries they want to receive back.
Huge Scrolling
Infinite scrolling, which enables the user to scroll down the page and have content load continuously, is one technique for web design that eliminates pagination.
Custom CSS
Custom CSS is a part of the Customizer and allows you to easily add any custom CSS code to your website.
Add Group Chat Support
With an iframe and a few lines of code, you can quickly add your group or chat to your website.
Booster Group
Our Booster improves Grupo’s performance by utilizing technologies like cache, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
automatically rotate pictures
Ever wondered why some apps show photos correctly while others display them upside-down or upside-down? automatically adjusts the image’s orientation to the right one using the “Orientation” Exif data.
Verification of Email
This feature verifies the user’s address at registration by sending an email verification link to their address.
Picture for Your Profile Cover
An image may be used as a user’s profile cover. There is a larger photo above your profile image, known as a cover photo, at the very top of your profile.
Group administrators can choose to have their own photo used as the cover image. A cover photo is the larger image that shows up above the group photo in the group details section.
different time zones
Groupo users have the choice to set their user account to display their local time zone.
The duration of a login session
The administrator may designate a maximum number of days after which login session data will be discarded as trash.
Automated time zone detection
The user’s time zone should be automatically determined and set.
Different warning sounds
contains numerous alert sounds and additional sounds. Users have the option to personalize the notification sound.
The Title Bar’s Message Notification
uses a flashing title in the title bar to alert the user to new messages.
Question of Security
CAPTCHA provides human verification solutions to protect your website from abuse and brute-force attacks.
Google’s analytics
Upon receiving your Google Analytics ID, you can have Grupo generate and set up your Google Analytics tracking code on your website.
Choose Fonts
You have access to over ten installed typefaces already.
Salutations and Welcome Signage
Customize the welcome screen with your own image and text to better reflect your brand.
Customize Your Own Pages: Create unique changes for your pages!
Turn off your Internet connection.
Grupo users can easily elude prying eyes when they check in by altering their “online status” to appear as though they’re not online.
Cookie consent under the GDPR
One simple way to comply with EU GDPR/Cookie Law regulations is to notify users that your website employs cookies and obtain their consent before using them.
Distinct Sign-Ins
It keeps users of different devices safe when they visit your website.
Structure for 12- and 24-Hour Clocks
The time formats available to managers are 12 and 24 hours.
There will also be a ton of additional features soon.
You can add an infinite number of chat rooms to your website with our PHP-based chatroom script, each with unique features (we currently have over 400 chat rooms). Because Grupo Chat has built-in security measures, hackers and spammers won’t ever be a problem again. You don’t need any browser plugins, like Java or Flash, to use this group chat script.
By changing its features and settings, you can make the Grupo chat room uniquely yours. None of the Grupo Chat features are something you’ll ever need. Its responsive design will provide your users with the best possible online group chat experience. Chat rooms are being used by many businesses these days to communicate with their customers, clients, and other offices. Businesses can use chat rooms to quickly communicate with website visitors, either internally or externally. Your website’s visitors can now converse in both private and public chat rooms.
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