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YITH WooCommerce Role Based Prices nulled plugin 1.34

short description

The plugin allows for easy control of product pricing for suppliers or partners, concealing prices and adding to cart button for users with specific roles.

YITH WooCommerce Role Based Prices Nulled Plugin A excellent way for showing your consumers the exact cost
When suppliers establish a connection with you, they want to be able to purchase on your website with a dedicated price list, without too much hassle, and without having to exchange an unending amount of emails or phone calls with the administration for each transaction.

This would jeopardize the positive connection, and your user could choose another store.

The same process applies with other customer kinds, such as store managers, partners, and bulk buyers.
They expect something from you.

It would be wonderful to be able to apply and show the appropriate price for each user position in your business once they have been verified.
Our “Role-based prices” make this possible in a very rapid and easy way.

YITH WooCommerce Role Based Prices Nulled Plugin To have total control, you may additionally show price (regular, on-sale, or role-based) or an add-to-cart button for each user role.

YITH WooCommerce Role Based Prices does not allow the introduction of additional roles. It only handles those that are now available. You may, however, create additional roles with the free Members plugin.

Create role-based rules.
Set specific purchasing conditions for registered users in your company.

Apply a role-based rule to specific commodities.
Apply the rule to all commodities, not just those with specific categories or tags.

YITH WooCommerce Role Based Prices Nulled Plugin Increase or reduce the price of a product.
Users on your site are assigned roles depending on their positions.

Combine numerous pricing rules.
For example, apply a twofold discount to certain users alone.

Each user role should have one or more prices shown.
Regular, on-sale, or role-based price.

Display a customized message.
If no available prices are shown.

Create a catalog for your shop.
By preventing some user groups from buying

Select any user role.
Integrated using a certain nulled plugin, such as ‘Members’

Price labels should be individualized.
Also, differentiate between the role price and the retail price.

Display the price with taxes included.
By choosing to apply the action to each store user role.

Choose whether the rule applies to “Regular price” or “Sale price” pricing.

Send a different message!
If the pricing are hidden from users

Display the cost for each user role.
Tell the customer how much he will pay if he changes user types.

Price for different user roles.
Whether you use Aelia or WooCommerce Currency Switcher (WPML), product price by user role may be automatically converted to the currency your users see.

Aelia and the WC Currency Switcher are both compatible.
Take use of the WPML compatibility.
You may easily translate the plugin using the wonderful WPML tool.

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