short description
Jobmonster has updated to version 4.6, offering new features, layouts, and a user-friendly dashboard. The Job board WordPress theme connects employers and candidates, offering modern job advanced search, front-end resume and job submission, easy installation and customization, and an edition for admin review. The theme also supports Google Maps and free open-source Bing Maps for precise job location. Jobmonster offers powerful functions in job listing, companies listing, jobs detail, resumes listing, and resume details. It also provides a convenient front-end management dashboard for employers and candidates, allowing easy job and resume submission. Jobmonster also offers advanced filters, unlimited custom fields, and smart advanced search. The theme is responsive and retina ready, with nine home variations including resume, job listing, search map, candidate, career, recruitment, job categories, hiring, employer, frontend job submission, and admin review.
Jobmonster is a powerful WordPress theme that allows employers to submit and edit job applications directly in the frontend, with the ability to manage multiple job posting plans and payments. It features advanced custom fields with search, private messages between employers and candidates, and a company directory in two layouts. Jobmonster also includes a Slider Revolution plugin and email notifications for all actions. The theme is compatible with various social networks and integrates with Indeed, a comprehensive search engine for jobs. It supports multilingual translation and is customizable with unlimited color and Google Font. Jobmonster is regularly updated with new features and offers topnotch support from its developers.
Jobmonster nulled Themes A big update!!! We would like to notify you that Jobmonster has been upgraded to version 4.6, which includes new great features, attractive layouts, a comfortable user interface, compatibility with Elementor Page Builder, and other improvements. Jobmonster version 4.6 owes clients a new experience in creating a profitable job board site—not a stranger, but better!
Jobmonster nulled Themes, an authority in the Job Board and Listing Industry, has never failed its consumers. The job board WordPress theme was created to serve as a bridge between businesses and applicants. Jobmonster introduces new features such as modern job advanced search, front-end resume and job submission, easy installation and customization, edition for admin review, job posting pricing plan, email notification, and much more.
Jobmonster nulled Themes The theme enables customers to experiment with multiple homepages and other pages using a simple one-click sample importer that allows users to set up the job board site in minutes. In earlier versions, Jobmonster’s integration with WPBakery Page Builder and Slider Revolution facilitated and accelerated the development process. Slider Revolution allows users to create gorgeous sliders with incredible effects and customize the site with dozens of unique featured components from the most popular page builder, WPBakery Page Builder.
We have recently been working with numerous partners to create a new edition of Jobmonster. Jobmonster is now compatible with Elementor, the most popular page builder for WordPress at the moment. You may now choose to personalize your homepage using WPBakery Page Builder or Elementor. This is versatile since you can quickly design complicated layouts based on your creativity.
Furthermore, Jobmonster effectively utilizes the WooCommerce connection, which enables users to quickly design packages, create add-ons for packages, and sell packages using other payment gateways (PayPal, 2checkout, MasterCard, Stripe, etc.).
The Job Board theme provides you with everything you need to create a strong job board site in an easy manner, as a result of years of research and development in the job board industry. Jobmonster continues to improve and remain one of the top job board themes available.
New Package for Employers
JobMonster now has a new option for companies called the Employer option. The package includes several new strong features, particularly for résumé and work information. Users may now easily display and conceal any fields available in the resume detail and job page. In addition, the new package includes additional job functions such as job refresh, the ability to examine applicant contact information and alter the number of viewings, and more.
Support Google Maps and Free Open Source Bing Maps.
The updated version will feature Google Maps and the free open source Bing Maps, which are very beneficial for job location and accurate results. Specifically, this function enables users to search for employment within a certain radius of their present location.
Several powerful functions.
Jobmonster nulled Themes offers a variety of strong capabilities, including job listing, company listing, job description, resume listing, and resume details. To learn more about these functions, please see the theme. For example, on the job detail page, you will see new choices such as sharing on social networks and applying via Facebook, as well as new services such as job follow, see more, and fast view.
Convenient front-end management dashboard.
Jobmonster is user-friendly for both businesses and applicants, allowing them to easily handle jobs and resumes. The employer administration dashboard includes distinct areas for managing jobs, applications, communications, shortlists, advanced filters, and so on. The Candidate dashboard allows you to simply manage Resumes, Applications, Job Alerts, Bookmarks, Follows, and so on.
Job & Resume Submission
Jobmonster makes it more easier for users to submit jobs via the interface. Employers and candidates may easily post and amend jobs on the frontend, following the submission processes, and then pick the best one.
Amazing Functions in Job Listing
Jobs listing is critical to your employment site, whether the jobs are shown neatly and appropriately for people to find out or not. So, selecting a job ad that is relevant to your goals is critical. Jobmonster provides consumers with additional alternatives on the job listing page, such as forward to a friend, save, share, and email me jobs like this.
Advanced Filter.
Jobmonster has upgraded the job search and job filter on each page to save you time and help you discover what you’re looking for quickly. In the new edition, we included a new search style of search filter that allows you to conveniently filter jobs by categories, type, location, tag, distance, and so on.
Unlimited Custom Fields
Jobmonster enables users to easily manage jobs, resumes, and other relevant employment fields by providing custom fields for employment, Resume, Candidate, and Application Form.
Smart Advanced Search.
Both candidates and employers may quickly locate what they need with many particular options in the advanced search area, such as keywords, location, and category, and you can adjust the search fields to your preference.
WooCommerce Integration
The finest eCommerce WordPress Plugin enables users to simply develop packages, create add-ons for packages, and sell packages using additional payment methods such as PayPal, Mastercard, and so on.
JobMonster – Job Board WordPress theme has responsive and retina-ready design.
We care about every user and how they utilize our job board. Jobmonster has been rigorously tested to ensure that it maintains its crisp appearance wherever.
9 Home Variations Resume Home page includes job listings and a search map. Home – Candidate – Career – Recruitment – Job Categories – Hiring – Employer – Frontend. Job Submission and Edition for Administrative Review
Employers may submit and amend jobs directly from the website by following the submission processes. Administrators may then examine and approve or reject a job.
Frontend Resume Submission
Candidate may publish a number of resumes directly in the frontend by completing the submission processes and selecting which ones are searchable.
Job Posting Pricing Plan with WooCommerce Integration
You may choose the number of job posting plans. Payment may be performed efficiently using WooCommerce integration.
Continue posting the pricing plan
You may easily choose the number of resume postings.Employer Management Dashboard
Employers may amend their company profiles, manage positions, and examine and respond to applicant applications.
Jobmonster features several complex custom fields with search, including Text, Number, Email, URL, TextArea, Select, Multiple Select, Radio, Checkbox, DetePicker, Image Upload, File Upload, and Video.
Private Message between Employer and Candidate (integrated with Frontend PM Plugin)
The nulled theme integrates with the Frontend PM nulled Plugins, which includes a private message between the employer and the applicant to link them and facilitate their reactions.
Candidate Management Dashboard
Candidates may amend their profiles, manage their resumes, browse jobs they’ve applied for, save jobs, and manage job alerts.
Apply for Jobs in Three Flexible Ways
Candidates may apply for positions by uploading a CV and selecting from their online resumes on Jobmonster.
Employers approve or reject applications with a message to the candidate.
Jobmonster lets you enable admin to examine, accept, or reject job submissions from the admin side.
Company Directory with two layouts: alphabet and grid.
View the company’s Alphabet and Grid listings, as well as its profile and open employment.
There are two layouts available for the Single Company Page.
We have implemented Job Alerts and Bookmark positions functions to assist individuals find their preferred positions.
It also contains the sophisticated Slider Revolution Plugin, which allows you to impress both prospects and employers.
Aside from Job Alerts delivered to candidates’ email addresses, the majority of Jobmonster activities include email notifications in the flow.All NooTheme themes have a robust Customizer. Jobmonster Customizer works similarly to the known original WordPress customizer, but it is considerably more comprehensive, allowing you to adjust and alter settings for practically any aspect on your site. It’s simple to use, with the Custom bar on the left and a live preview screen on the right that alters in real time as you make changes. Play about until you’re happy with the design of your website, and then click Save & Publish; all of the adjustments will become public on the frontend. There is no need to go back and forth between dashboard and frontend to view your modifications and keep them secret from visitors. You may also import and export your settings for use on the next website utilizing Jobmonster.
Now, candidates may log in using their social media accounts. Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn are among the platforms mentioned.
Indeed, Integration
The theme interacts with Indeed, the most comprehensive job search engine.
ReCaptcha Integration.
ReCaptcha is accessible in the Login Form, Registration Form, Job Application Form, and Company Contact Form.
WPBakery Page Builder is the top-selling drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress, valued $45.
Elementor compatible.
Built and properly optimized for the World’s greatest page builder.
Woo Commerce integrated.
Jobmonster lets you to construct job posting bundles and enable on-site payment smoothly using the Woo Commerce WordPress plugin.
Translation Ready
Jobmonster offers multilingual translation with WPML or POEdit. Jobmonster covers several translated languages:
- French
- Spanish Portuguese
- Portugese Brazil
- Languages: Russian, German.
- Mexican Arabic
- Dutch
- Rumanian
- Turkish Latvian
- Jobmonster offers unlimited color options and Google Fonts, making it very customizable. Almost every element’s color may be easily altered with our Theme Customizer.
Jobmonster nulled Themes extensive documentation
We included a dedicated manual file with the theme bundle that will walk you through the process of installing and tweaking the theme. You may also find the complete online instructions in our help area here.
Regular Update
We routinely update the theme with new add-on functionality and minor bug fixes. With a one-time purchase, you will get free updates for the rest of your life.
Excellent support
In addition to specific documentation, the Jobmonster developers will assist you. We are delighted to help you create your fantastic website.
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