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Product Likes nulled plugin 1.1.3

short description

An extension called Product Likes enables users to “like” things from within their WooCommerce store, much like social media likes. This feature increases sales and repeat business by enabling customers to save a list of the things they like for later reference and purchase. The extension lets users who are not signed in like things and displays a dashboard with all of the products and the number of likes.

Product Likes gives users the ability to like and unlike things, see a list of previously liked products in their account, and see the total number of likes on product pages. It also has capability for printing, exporting, sorting, and searching.

Customers who are not logged in have the option to enable like for non-logged in users as well. Additionally, users can disable all styling to use custom CSS or display the likes button as a thumb, star, or heart icon using the extension.

Michael, a WooCommerce store manager, is an example of how to use Product Likes. In order to recommend related things for purchase, he can allow consumers to “like” products and maintain a list of previously liked products in their accounts.

Product Likes nulled plugin

Put “like” buttons on the products in your store, much like you would on social networking.
Since everyone enjoys content on social media, why not give your store a “likes” feature? Customers may use this feature to either buy products directly from their account or save a list of their favorites for later use, which increases sales and encourages repeat business.

Additionally, this plugin features a dashboard where users can view all items, their like counts, and the things they liked. Products may look appealing to customers on product websites, category pages, search pages, and other places. You can also allow users who are not logged in to like content.

Read on to find out why you should use Product Likes and what features are available.

“Lets our customers like products and allows us to see which products customers like the most,” stated Peter, an online retailer.

What makes using Product Likes recommended?

Permit customers to rank and dislike products from your company.
Most pages/areas where things are shown have the Likes button visible.
Consumers can add products to their shopping cart from a list of previously liked items that they can view in their account.
See the total number of likes received by each product.
See which customers enjoyed a product, how many likes a customer received overall, and what products a particular customer loved.
Data about product likes can be printed, exported, sorted, and searched.
Let people who are not logged in to like.
thumb, star, and heart icons, or none at all
Turn off style so you can use custom CSS.

Purchase Now Features contains the wonderful features listed below…

Like buttons, for example

Like buttons are affixed to products around your company, and an overall count of likes could be shown as well. Select which products to display on product pages, product blocks, and product archive pages like shop, categories, search, and so on.

My online persona

On the my account page, customers can peruse a paginated list of products they have previously liked. For quick purchases, they can even add goods to their basket right away.

Total items sold

Every product in your shop has a total amount of likes displayed on the dashboard. By clicking on this total, you can find out which customers thought the product was excellent. It can also be used to search, sort, export, and print data.

Totals for clients

On the dashboard, you can see how many likes each customer has received overall. You can also click on the likes total to see which products a specific customer has liked. It can also be used to search, sort, export, and print data.

The guest is pleased with

It’s possible that customers who aren’t logged in can like products. In this instance, the customer who isn’t signed in has a cookie set up to follow their browsing preferences in your store. The total amount of likes is influenced by guest likes.

Like icons

The thumb, star, or heart symbol could be displayed as the “likes” button. An additional option, none, is available for text-based links. You can add your own custom CSS and disable the provided style if you wish to use your own distinctive icon.


Watch how the extension works…

For instance, Michael can enable product loving on his website by utilizing Product Likes for his WooCommerce womenswear shop. As a result, customers might like items and save a list of previously liked products in their accounts. From the likes page of their account, these customers can check their list of products that they have favorited and add them directly to their basket. When deciding what new products to add to his range, Michael can use the information he exports about which products are the most popular. When a customer calls, he can quickly find out what the customer enjoyed the last time and recommend similar new products.

More details

To get a summary of the options, settings, frequently asked questions, and other details, see the manual.
Please get in touch with us if you have any questions; we will be happy to help.
Invest in the extension.
In your WooCommerce PLUGIN store, download, install, and activate the extension.* Refer to the handbook to learn how to modify the extension.Remember that before deploying a new extension on your live website, it must first be tested in a staging or development environment. Additionally, it’s a good idea to link your shop to your Woo account. This will ensure that you receive updates for your extension and can obtain help quickly.

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