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YITH WooCommerce Customer History nulled plugin 2.21.0

short description

Examine your consumers’ online activity, including the items they browse and the ones they are most interested in.
What you can get from it:
It provides you with a broader perspective of your consumers’ preferences in addition to the one obtained from Analytics.

You will enhance conversions by giving customers personalized offers based on their searches or the goods they have visited the most often.

YITH WooCommerce Customer History nulled plugin  Gather particular information on your customers’ page visits to increase the likelihood of them making another purchase.
In business, numbers are everything!YITH WooCommerce Customer History nulled plugin As a result, behind every large retailer are people analyzing various types of data.
Their goal is to create workable solutions that maximize total profits.

Almost all e-commerce shops employ analytics to better understand client behavior, but none of these technologies go above and beyond, analyzing data from John Doe, your greatest customer.

And you must understand what John Doe does, not just any consumer who happens to be on your website.

Do you want to know what Mr. John Doe does when he browses your store’s pages?

You’d be astonished to learn that he looks at a certain product multiple times before buying it.

Sure, it would be simple to call him and give him a specific deal. A personalized offer on a particular product would almost certainly result in a new purchase.

So here’s your chance: we’ve recently released YITH WooCommerce Customer History, a plugin that will enable you to view which pages your customers visit when exploring your business.

This plugin also enables you to track their average purchase value and most recent purchases using a convenient customer chart.

Deal with the market in a safe and secure manner while increasing the average worth of each client in a simple and meticulous manner.

Get an overview of the users.
determining who made the most purchases on your site and the average price each order
List of Customers

Examine the behavior of the users.
In order to optimize your marketing strategy, consider the pages that have been viewed and the activities taken before to purchase.
History of Sessions

Recognize your users’ requirements.
By storing all of the search terms customers enter on your website
Search content key terms

Contacting users is simple.
By immediately completing the email sending form from your administrative area

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