A strong tool for rapidly and simply creating web apps is Cicool Online Builder. It provides dynamic features including the Page Builder, CRUD, Dynamic Forms, and Rest API. With the tool, users can install Wizzard, generate REST APIs, and create forms. Along with a variety of fields, it offers a Rest Tool for testing APIs and a field type for user input. Cicool’s Rest Tool makes it simple to upload and save data. In addition, the tool provides an e-commerce platform, a form wizard, and a new language choice. If you want to make contact forms and websites that are responsive to mobile devices, the Cicool Nulled Script is an invaluable resource. Installation takes only a few minutes and needs a PHP nulled script and PHP 7.0-7.3 Full Group MySQL.
Cicool Nulled Script
Cicool: CRUD Generator, Page, Form, Rest API
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Cicool Use the dynamic capabilities of Cicool Online Builder, such as the Rest API, Dynamic Forms, CRUD, and Page Builder, to quickly and simply create online applications.
- HMVC, Page Generator, and CRUD
- Use this tool to create a form.
- Making RESTful APIs
- Wizzard 20+ Type of Field 35+ Installation Verifying Documents
- Use Cicool’s Rest Tool to test your API using Ajax.
- Beautiful Menu
- Automatic creation of documents
- Customize the Frontend Theme of Any Website with a Shortcode Form Streamlined: Sensible Model
- Link AdminLTE to the Backend of Your RESTful Server
- Aauth offers total control over access.
- Easy data storage with shortcut keys
- To upload, just drag & drop the files.
- An Alternative Language
- We are developing an e-commerce platform with a new form wizard.
- More amazing page builder templates will be available shortly.
- The Field Type is a comprehensive input type that simplifies the process of developing a web application.
- In the textarea, type the following details: password, email, address, file, map, date, time, date number, yes/no, time, and year.
- Select from a range of options featuring checkboxes.
- real or false, custom checkboxes set by the user custom, many custom Select the updated timestamp.
- username for the newly created user
- current user ID, as of late
- distinct files (new)
- Input type for state, city, and nation (new)
- New e-commerce module that does all of above and more.
By using input validation, forms may safeguard user input and guarantee that data complies with their requirements in over 35
format: alpha, numeric, numeric spaces, valid number, valid datetime, valid date, valid max selected option, valid min selected option, necessary, maximum length, minimum length, permitted extensions, format: regex, decimal, width, height, valid url keywords like max item, right length, valid URL, underscores, valid JSON, and many more.
Purchase now to receive even more awesome features!
Documentation and demonstration of extensions
Using Crud Builder to create a blog
How to make a Rest API for a blog using API Builder
Building a Website That Is Mobile-Friendly
Making a contact form with the form builder installed
Adding a contact form to an online page
Take in the excitement of a live demo.
Address by mail: [email protected]
admin123 is the secret code.
Wizzard Installation Only Takes A Moment Or Less
Extract the cicool.zip file on your server.
It’s simple to set up for the web by just following the guide.
Crucial Items Required
PHP 7.0–7.3 MySQL Full Group
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download for free, you must create an account and verify your email.
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