short description
The Secure-PHP-Login & Registration System is a secure login and registration system built on the Bootstrap and PHP frameworks. Its features include password encryption, an email activation mechanism incorporated into the site, AJAX, JQuery Validation plugin, user statistics, a search bar, and the ability to manually add new users. The system is the only login management solution that uses modern password security technology available on the market.
The system has been updated with blowfish encryption, a Twitter Bootstrap-based design, a list of registered users on the admin page, and a jQuery Validation plugin for form validation. The system has also been enhanced with capabilities including the ability to change passwords, rectify stylistic errors, and resend passwords.
Some of the changes made to the system include an improved admin panel, a user count screen, and a search user page. The system now has additional features including user roles, the wonderful library font version, and a new password-change page for users.
The Facebook SDK update and the resolution of a fault that allowed spaces and other special characters to enter form fields are just two of the new features and bug fixes that have been added to the system. There are no purchases required for the planned improvements.
Secure-PHP-Login Nulled Script
Safe-PHP-Login & Enrollment Method
The safe login and registration process was built using the Bootstrap and PHP frameworks.
1. It is challenging to decipher the password that is saved in the database due to password encryption in the login and registration module.
No additional coding work is needed because this package already has all of the backend PHP scripts that are needed.
Third, each user receives activation codes via email thanks to an integrated email activation mechanism.
The forms are live-validated using AJAX and the Jquery Validation plugin.
The backend admin interface provides additional features including user statistics, a search bar, and manual user addition.
Step 6: Verify the form without having to reload the page.
With the new reset password feature, users may now create a new password in case they forget their old one.
Eighth, sign in using your Facebook, Twitter, or Google credentials.
All setup-related documents should be published.
10. This is the only login management system that makes use of password hashing and other contemporary password security methods.
Eleven. This script uses code from MySQL and PHP that is not out of date. We frequently update every script.
The iPad and Android tablets, as well as websites, work really well with this simple theme.
Features of version 1.0:
1. A quick, easy-to-use, and Twitter Bootstrap-based design
Second, for form validation, use the jQuery Validation plugin.
Kindly check the input in the form without reloading the page.
Users receive activation keys through email to use at the time of registration.
Five. For extremely secure password storage, use Blowfish encryption.
putting a list of users who have registered on the admin screen
Revised to version 1.1 in July of 2013.
1. Error fixes
There is now a new option to send the activation email again.
After resolving a problem with the ajax answer, I started using JSON.
As of August 18, 2013, version 1.2
I fixed a couple password resending problems.
There is no longer a style issue with the activation process.
Thirdly, a new activation status of “2” indicates that a reset is now in progress, and we’ve added the option to reset passwords.
For ease of updating, the error messages in db.php have been merged.
5. The text for each page’s logo may be changed in db.php.
September 1, 2013 is the version 2.1.
Log in with your Twitter and Google+ credentials.
Information should be saved for Twitter and Google users.
Features V2.2, 2 October 2013
V3.0, 6-Oct-2013, item 1: Username is added to the session variable
1. To log in, use your Facebook account.
A redesigned admin panel and other features
The July 20, 2014, release of Features V3.1 brought with it a user count panel and a search user screen.
1. Add a new user through the admin interface.
improved Ajax and updated styles to utilize Bootstrap 3.0 Third.
Devlup’s efforts
Feature Update V3.2: June 13, 2015.
1. The MySQLi extension was used
2. Updated JQuery to 1.11 and upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3
There are no longer any significant problems with the send mail feature.
5. The issues with the admin interface’s appearance have been fixed.
A few minor issues with the email text’s alignment were fixed.
Features of Version 4: March of 2016
1. To address the password issue, the bcrypt logic has been modified.
2. Fixed the issue with Facebook usernames that were blank.
4. Using SB-Admin2 Features V4.2, the administration panel has been updated (August 27, 2017). 5. Users can now update their passwords on a new page.
1. Important improvements for security 2. Updated the Facebook library and fixed redirect loops.
December 25, 2017: V4.3 of the New Features
1. New features: There are now more user roles. The administrator can now assign roles, establish new ones, and search for individuals based on their duties. 3. Making changes to the code on the administrative site; updated font wonderful library version 2.
August 8, 2018: Version 4.4: Features
1. The database’s initial installation processes were corrected. 2. The database’s errors were corrected.
December 25, 2019: V4.5 features
Initially, we addressed an issue that let special characters and spaces to be entered into form fields. 2. A Facebook SDK update
new features starting on August 1, 2021
1. JQuery Validator version 1.19.3 and JQuery 3.6.0, the most recent versions, have been updated. 3. A revamp of the page for members
There will soon be updates to the relationship between Facebook and Google.
The upcoming enhancements don’t demand any purchase!
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srvice is always free
download for free, you must create an account and verify your email.
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