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Vanguard Nulled Script 9.0.0

short description

Vanguard Nulled Script is a PHP application that simplifies user management, permission, and authentication for websites using the Laravel PHP framework. It is optimized for high-availability websites and offers secure login, authorization, authentication, and extensive user management. The application has a well-defined JSON API for instant authentication, and has undergone nearly 300 functional and unit automated tests for stability and maintainability. Vanguard Nulled Script offers features such as safe user login, social media verification, password reset, two-factor verification, and throttling authentication. It also provides an engaging dashboard, infinite user roles, a strong administrative panel, and unlimited licenses. The application requires PHP 8.1.0 or higher to run and offers adaptable security for plugin systems.


Using the Laravel PHP framework, Vanguard Nulled Script is a PHP application that enables website owners to quickly and simply add user management, permission, and authentication to their sites. It is optimized for high-availability websites and constructed in accordance with the most contemporary security and coding standards. Even though it was created using Laravel, it can be used to any PHP-powered website to provide safe login, authorization, authentication, and extensive user management. Additionally, Vanguard Nulled Script has a well defined JSON API that lets you instantly authenticate users from your application, whether it be mobile or otherwise.

It has almost three hundred functional and unit automated tests that cover every important facet of the application and API, guaranteeing stability and maintainability.

8.0.0 is the version


Safe user login and registration processes.
Social Media Verification on Google+, Twitter, and Facebook
Reset Password with Two Factor Verification
When logging in, use the “Remember Me” function.
Enter your username or email to log in.
Google reCAPTCHA upon registration.
Throttling authentication (locking the user account after many unsuccessful tries to log in).
Engaging Dashboard
An infinite number of roles for users
strong administrative panel
An infinite quantity of licenses
Admins may control permissions using the UI.
Give roles permissions.
Quickly ascertain whether a user is authorized to carry out a certain action.
JSON API for creating any kind of  Vanguard Nulled Script-based application.
For a very basic installation, use the installation wizard.
Avatar upload using cropping enabled in the user activity log.
created using current Sessions Management and Bootstrap 4, giving users control over all open sessions.
Users may be impersonated by administrators.
complete support for Unicode.
On both the client and server sides, form validation
Completely adjustable via the options menu.
comprehensive and thorough documentation.
Fully object-oriented JavaScript and PHP code with comments.
Support for localization: Translate the program into any language (translations into English, Serbian, and German are provided).
requires PHP 8.1.0 or higher to run.
Adaptable Security for Plugin Systems
Every form has a CSRF token for CSRF protection.
One really safe Laravel session approach is Session Protection.
Very secure one-way hashing of passwords.
specifications for the server
PHP >= 8.1.0 (BC)Calculus PHP Add-on
OpenSSL PHP Add-on: PDO PHP Extension: mbstring PHP Add-on: Tokenizer PHP Extension: Ctype PHP Extension: XML PHP Add-on
JSON GD PHP Extension Fileinfo is the PHP Extension PHP Extension: Example and Guide.
Admin login information
Login as admin
admin123 is the password.



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